Tuesday, 13 November 2012


(Genesis 2: 24-25)
By: Pastor Greg Tupas, Jr.
THEREFORE shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed (Gen. 2: 24-25).
It is a sad thing to note that these days, there are more failing marriages than successful ones. We really have to go back to God and make Him the Center of our lives.

Based on our text, there are four (4) essentials or fundamentals of a successful marriage:
1. There is Leaving. We need to leave our parents (v. 24). This means leaving the old home where our mother and father are. This does not mean that we will ignore or forget our parents when we leave them. In fact, it is even more difficult for our parents to part with us after our marriage. But parents must realize that their child will leave the “nest” and that they should be willing to “let go”.
Considering the close Filipino family ties, even if we are already married, and that we are living away from our parents, they can still be our advisers when we have family problems. They are always there, willing and available to support us psychologically, emotionally and more often, even financially.

2. There is Cleaving. The married couple must cleave to each other. (v. 24) Cleaving means to be glued to each other. This is a permanent bond as both have promised during the wedding ceremony “… as long as we both shall live”. It is not “… as long as we get along with each other.” And then you pack your bags and go different ways.
Yes, you may say that some relationships are not workable. Marriage is a union through good times and bad times. During your wedding day, you promised to love each other not only among yourselves, but before God.

3. There is unity. The couple becomes one flesh (v.24). It starts on the wedding day. Couples should pray to God together. They should share their resources together. In marriage, there is unity but no uniformity. Eve was Eve and Adam was Adam. They were different from each other. Uniformity is done in the doughnut factory where they make the same kind and the same type. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman.

4. There is intimacy. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed (v. 25). Perfect relationships of husbands and wives are bare; meaning one does not keep secrets from the other. Satan is ready to offer substitute affairs to the married couples, like pornography and other forms of deceitful things. Successful marriages are those whose relationships are based in Christ.
A successful marriage has to leave the parents but intensify their relationship;
- Marriage is a permanent relationship, just like the permanent relationship of a Christian with the Lord Jesus Christ;
- Married couples must be united is sharing their lives together; they must be in unity loving and serving God together;
- There must be intimacy between married couples as we have intimacy with God, our Creator. We should walk with the Lord everyday of our lives, according to His will.
Somebody sent me a copy of the 12 Rules For a Happy Marriage which can help us all:
1, Never both be angry at the same time;
2. Never yell at each other, except when the house is on fire;
3. It takes 2 to make an argument;
4. Yield to the wishes of the other;
5. If you have a choice, choose your partner’s choice;
6. Criticize lovingly;
7. Never dig old events that would cause heartaches;
8. Neglect the whole world but not each other;
9. Compliment your partner;
10. Greet each other on special occasions;
11. Ask for forgiveness when you offended your partner;
12. Never go to bed mad.

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